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Forfaits de partitions

All Available Songs Package

Includes all of Thad's currently available sheet music scores. This package will change in quantlty and prices as new songs become avialable. Purchase all 17 currently available songs for $39.95

Most Popular Songs Package

Includes Thad's most popular sheet music scores: Angel Kisses, For Ross, Ivory Hymn, Long Awaited Love, October Fade, and Beauty of Grace. By all songs for $14.95

Vast CD Songs Package

Includes all currently available sheet music scores from Thad's album Vast: Angel Kisses, Adorn, For Ross, Ivory Hymn, Long Awaited Love, Evenscene, Gentle Whisper, When Leaves Fall. By all 8 songs for $19.95

Love Without Words Package

Includes all currently available sheet music scores from Thad's Love Without Words album: Devotion, October Fade, Day on Hamilton Street, Mayapple Road, and Wedding Song. By all 5 songs for $12.95.

Wedding Songs Package

Upcoming Wedding? These songs will make the perfect addition to any Wedding. Sheet music scores include: Angel Kisses, Long Awaited Love, Wedding Song, Adorn, and Beauty of Grace. By all 5 songs for $12.95.

Easy to Learn Songs Package

Here are a few sheet music scores that are less difficult and in easy keys to learn: For Ross, Ivory Hymn, Mayapple Road, Evenscene and Beauty of Grace (Piano). By all 5 songs for $12.95.

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Sheet music Individual songs      _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     2,99 chacun

Écoutez des extraits de chaque chansonIci


A quick, intermediate piece in the key of A major. Fast moving melodic lines, accompanied by a flowing left hand, make this an exciting piece for anyone to learn.

Angel Kisses

An intermediate piece in the key of F Major. An inspiring and catchy song with a sweet melody and a flowing left hand accompaniment, both weaving between the major and relative minor keys, makes this Thad's most popular song to learn.

Annie's Song

A slow, peaceful waltz written for Thad's Niece. This beautiful piece is easy to moderate difficulty in the key of Dflat Major. The perfect song to dance a long with that special girl in your life.

Beauty of Grace

An easy piece in the key of D Major. Melodic and full of Grace, one of Thad's most popular songs to date, especially for weddings. Purchase just the piano part, or the full score with strings and piano.

Day on Hamilton Street

An intermediate piece in the key of A major. Melodic right hand flowing together with a steady left hand, both working together to create a story and a playful piece to learn.


A more challenging piece in the key of F# minor. A song with a quick moving and beautifully inspiring melody, accompanied by a quick flowing left hand part; emotional and stirring, make this piece a welcoming but challenging song to anyone's repertoire.


An easy piece in the key of C major. Slow, peaceful, and melodic with a constant moving base line, one of Thad's easier songs to learn, a good place to start for early piano learners wanting to begin playing Thad's music.

For Ross

An easy piece in the key of E major. A very sweet, calm and delicate piece, with a flowing melodic line, reminiscent of an Irish tune.

Gentle Whisper

A difficult piece in the key of G# minor. Written in a more classical style, with a gentle and calming melody and left hand accompaniment; full of grace and peace.

Ivory Hymn

An intermediate piece in the key of E major. More chordal and linear in nature with changing meters and a beautiful flowing melody. Simple at its core, but difficult to master.

Letters of Grace

A difficult piece in the key of B major. A fast moving melody is accompanied by a flowing fast moving left hand. a piece full of overtones and rubato that musically penetrates the soul.

Long Awaited Love

An intermediate piece in the key of F# major. A very tender piece melodic in nature, with a flowing left hand accompaniment. Perfect for your next wedding, or to celebrate the love of you life.

Lovely (Laura's Song)

A difficult piece in the key of E major. A song with multiple sections varying in difficulty and lasting over 6 minutes long. Musically it contains some twist and turns, juxtaposed within a beautiful melody.

Mayapple Road

An easy piece in the key of A major. A mixture of sweet melody and structured chords, overlayed musically with a simple story at its heart. Mayapple Road is a good piece to start with, more simple and relaxed.

October Fade

An intermediate piece in the key of C# minor. A beautiful haunting melody fixed with a stirring accompaniment make this a great choice for all levels of playing ability.

Wedding Song

An intermediate piece in the key of A major. Full of exciting and fast moving melodic runs, make this a perfect setting for your next wedding, or to learn for any occasion.

When Leaves Fall

An intermediate piece in the key of C# minor. Another beautiful, but haunting melody in a minor key, delicate and peaceful, with rubato playing mixed in.

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